by Martin Kerr

Trees in some ways are like people or snowflakes in that no two are exactly the same, and the Sawmill Nordic Centre trails have their share of strange ones (trees I mean!).

This first picture is of a pair of Scotch pine trees that appear to be joined at the hip and were alive not that long ago, but now have gone on to that big arboretum in the sky. I don’t understand exactly how this happened but the trees are about a metre apart and are joined together by a thick limb that runs from one into the other. They are on the right side of the trail that leads into the Kiwanis trail. Try and spot them!

Tree in Winter

This second picture is of a similarly joined pair of young maples standing together in good health just at the top of the last downhill on Sheldon’s trail. Give them a look as you head down the hill. There are lots of twins along the trail, keep your eyes open!

Tree in Winter