by Andrew Howlett | Jan 27, 2017 | Colpoys
OUCH!!! These past few weeks of mild temperatures and rain have not been kind to the trail system at Colpoys, and the trail is not really skiable at this time. We shall await some good snowfall and cold temps. to get grooming again. The parking lot is currently closed...
by Andrew Howlett | Jan 27, 2017 | Sawmill
Sawmill Nordic Centre: All trails were skate and track-set by 10 am this morning. Conditions are good for skating and the classic track is ok but not perfectly formed due to lack of fresh snow. have a very enjoyable day, later, Fred Scheel
by Andrew Howlett | Jan 26, 2017 | Sawmill
Was a gooey day this morning with mixture of old snow and new packing snow. Trail very soft but skiable. Enjoy, Later Fred Scheel
by Andrew Howlett | Jan 26, 2017 | Colpoys
OUCH!!! These past few weeks of mild temperatures and rain have not been kind to the trail system at Colpoys. We shall await some good snowfall and cold temps. to get grooming again. The parking lot is currently closed off until the ground freezes up to avoid creating...
by Andrew Howlett | Jan 25, 2017 | Sawmill
Sawmill Nordic Centre update: Had great ski yesterday late afternoon. Snow conditions are soft but mostly snow covered. there is a rock showing on Grunt and is marked with pylon. We thought it would be prudent to keep machinery off trail today in order to preserve our...