Thu 23 Feb 9:36am

The Sawmill Nordic Centre was skied yesterday and conditions are still good. Trail is snow covered but soft. We have not groomed the last couple of days in order to preserve the base. Stay tuned for an update for the upcoming weekend. later, Fred Scheel

Tue 21 Feb 2:53pm

The Sawmill Nordic Centre was groomed yesterday. The freezethawrain conditions have created somewhat firm to icy conditions which our groomers will have difficulty with over the next few days. The trail is fully snow covered but variable. Be careful out there. later,...

Sun 19 Feb 9:08am

I attempted to groom Colpoys this Sunday morning, but it was fairly ineffective as the snow was still frozen and unworkable. There is still good coverage everywhere, and the tracks will improve as they soften up with todays warmer temperatures and sunshine....

Fri 17 Feb 10:39am

Sawmijll Trail is in wonderful condition. All was groomed with Pisten Bully at 9 am this morning. Enjoy this lovely Family Day Weekend. Later, Fred Scheel