by Andrew Howlett | Feb 15, 2018 | Colpoys
No grooming today with these mild temps. but skiing should still be good in the woods. -Martin
by Andrew Howlett | Feb 13, 2018 | Sawmill
We touched up the skating lanes today and preserved our well laid classic trails. Skiing should be great. We may get some rain Thursday but it will not affect our snow base so be prepared to ski any day this week. Enjoy, Fred
by Andrew Howlett | Feb 12, 2018 | Colpoys
Lots of snow fell on the tracks yesterday, so we’ll groom this morning and be done by around 10 a.m. Enjoy Martin
by Andrew Howlett | Feb 11, 2018 | Sawmill
Its funny how time flies when you are busy skiing and hosting ski events, and then you forget to post trail conditions. Well, just so you know, conditions were wonderful Saturday and Sunday. On Monday, looking into my crystal ball, conditions will be even better...
by Andrew Howlett | Feb 10, 2018 | Colpoys
The Colpoys trail was groomed on Saturday evening, tracks should set up well overnight for a great Sunday of skiing.