Great Wolf Invitational Ski Race

Bruce Ski Club Logo & Header - Cross-Country Skiing Overlooking Colpoy's Bay, Ontario

The Great Wolf Invitational Cross-Country Ski Race will be held:

Bruce Ski Club, 2016 West Hill Invitational, cross-country ski race, award ceremonyTuesday January 14th, 2025.

coaches meeting 10am start 10:30

Owen Sound District Secondary School and Bruce Ski Club invite secondary schools and senior elementary schools in south west Ontario to participate in the Great Wolf Invitational cross-country ski race at Sawmill Nordic Centre.

Novice & Elementary: 3km
Junior: 5km
Senior: 6km

The goal of this event is to promote participation in cross-country skiing, camaraderie and the pursuit of excellence among high school students.

Please register for the Great Wolf Invitational ski race on Zone4.


Sawmill Nordic Centre, Hwy #6, Hepworth (1 km south east of Suntrail Outfitters)

Great Wolf Invitational Maps

Click on the maps below to enlarge them.

Below are the maps for Relay and Warm-Up loop.