by Andrew Howlett | Feb 29, 2016 | Colpoys
This most recent thawfreeze hasn’t been to kind to the trail, we’ll groom again when we get some fresh snow.
by Andrew Howlett | Feb 27, 2016 | Sawmill
We had 15 cm of new snow 2 days ago. The trail has great snow coverage and is track and skate set. Enjoy, fred
by Andrew Howlett | Feb 26, 2016 | Colpoys
Trail was groomed on Friday morning. Great mid-winter conditions. Bring your camera!
by Andrew Howlett | Feb 26, 2016 | Rankin
All trails are groomed and are in great conditions. Take advantage of the good skiing while you still can! Pete
by Andrew Howlett | Feb 26, 2016 | Colpoys
Trail groomed Friday morning, conditions are excellent in the woods but there are some thin spots in the field, that are easily avoided.