by Andrew Howlett | Mar 1, 2016 | Colpoys
Lots of snow coming down this evening, so we’ll be out early on Wednesday morning grooming the trail.
by Andrew Howlett | Mar 1, 2016 | Sawmill
Had a stormy day today but trail was groomed and trackset. We needed more snow and todays storm should provide us with enough snow to groom everything first thing tomorrow morning. Enjoy, later, Fred
by Andrew Howlett | Feb 29, 2016 | Sawmill
The mild weather Sunday softened the trail and cool overnight temperatures created some icy spots. With some new snow overnight we will attempt to groom tomorrow morning. Weather conditions look favourable for skiing this week. Enjoy, later, Fred
by Andrew Howlett | Feb 29, 2016 | Rankin
All trails have a good base and are still in good condition. Everything froze overnight, so be careful on hills. As soon as we get more snow, trails will be groomed again. Pete
by Andrew Howlett | Feb 29, 2016 | Colpoys
This most recent thawfreeze hasn’t been to kind to the trail, we’ll groom again when we get some fresh snow.