Fri 4 Jan 7:07pm

Looking forward to a great first Jackrabbits session Saturday. Checked out the trails today and they are in great shape and we are all ready to go! See you at 9:55 tomorrow morning. Groups depart at 10:00 a.m. sharp!! Jason M.

Fri 4 Jan 4:27pm

Our trail is in good shape considering the amount of snow we have. We have been alternating between freeze and thaw conditions with very little snow in between. Skiing early in the morning probably presents more icy conditions than later in the afternoon. Be very...

Thu 3 Jan 11:25am

Hey, got some snow yesterday and Kim groomed it this morning. Conditions should be pretty good although we still need more snow. Enjoy the rest of the winter break. later, Fred

Thu 3 Jan 10:55am

We had a few inches of snow overnight here in Wiarton, but sadly there is still not enough to start grooming at the Colpoys trail. Keep your fingers crossed!

Tue 1 Jan 10:01am

Trail all snow covered. Had a little snow last night and we groomed the skate lanes in most places. Not enough snow to set new tracks. The base is icy with fresh wet snow on top. I would suggest skiers stay off the hills and use the flats. Happy New Year , Enjoy,...