Fri 16 Dec 10:18am

The trail was packed yesterday and trackset early this morning . Everything is open with the exception of Rons trail and the porcupine trail which will require a bit more snow. Enjoy -Martin

Thu 15 Dec 2:37pm

Way too much snow today. Got very little grooming done although we tried. Will try to pack all this snow tomorrow but do not come till later in the afternoon because the trail will not be ready. If this storm passes, we should have some good skiing for the weekend....

Tue 13 Dec 8:34pm

Snow is slowly starting to accumulate here in Wiarton with cold temps. and squalls in the forecast! There is not yet enough snow to begin grooming as we require a fair bit to cover the rocky parts of the trail and allow us to safely groom. Keep up the snow dance and...

Mon 12 Dec 5:02pm

Brutal day grooming, snow incredibly heavy. Took 2 machines 5 hours to pack the trail. Trail is lumpy and bumpy but will smooth out with more snow and colder temperatures. Enjoy, Fred Scheel

Mon 12 Dec 3:12pm

Sawmill trial was packed this morning and the shelter will be opened this afternoon. Ski conditions are early season on packed snow with no track-set yet. Enjoy , later, Fred Scheel