Thu 5 Jan 1:48pm

A tough day for our groomers with so much fresh snow and lots of small trees bent over and frozen into the trail. All trails were packed and most were trackset. There are wet spots at the north end of the Beaver pond trail and deer run. Watch out for low branches....

Thu 5 Jan 8:57am

Grooming will be taking place this morning at Colpoys. The portable toilet is not yet in place but should be arriving soon. -Martin

Wed 4 Jan 10:16am

After the recent mild spell and the ongoing squalls there won’t be any grooming taking place on the trail todayWednesday. Hopefully things settle down tonight and allow us get grooming and skiing again tomorrow. -Martin

Tue 3 Jan 7:55pm

Sawmill Nordic Centre: Well we have a January Thaw already. Due to the mild temperatures it was unwise to groom our trails today. Zane decided to preserve what great base we had until temperatures changes. Tomorrow could be a challenge with dropping temperatures and...

Mon 2 Jan 9:33am

The Sawmill Nordic Centre was groomed this morning and ski conditions should be excellent. Enjoy your day off. Later, Fred Scheel