by Andrew Howlett | Feb 2, 2017 | Colpoys
The wet sections on the Colpoys trail are finally starting to freeze up and Beaver pond and the porcupine trail will be groomed this morning . The short stretch from d1-d2 is still wet, but you can easily detour around it via Deer run. -Martin
by Andrew Howlett | Feb 1, 2017 | Colpoys
Colpoys groomed this Wednesday morning.
by Andrew Howlett | Feb 1, 2017 | Sawmill
Sawmill Nordic Centre: Ron was out grooming this morning but the squalls suspended his efforts. The weatherman points out a series of squalls till late afternoon We will continue grooming in the morning after the weather settles down. Skiing today will be on a snow...
by Andrew Howlett | Feb 1, 2017 | Colpoys
No grooming at Colpoys today, but you should find the tracks that were set yesterday still well in place, with a bit of fresh snow falling. -Martin
by Andrew Howlett | Jan 31, 2017 | Sawmill
Sawmill Nordic Centre: the new snow over the weekend has been a welcomed addition, the trail is in great shape with all skating and classic lanes groomed. Come out and enjoy this winter wonderland. Later, Fred Scheel