Fri 10 Feb 8:04am

If you ski today at Colpoys you should find well established tracks in the woods with some fresh snow in them. The fields may have blown in a bit. Next grooming will likely be on Saturday morning. -Martin

Wed 8 Feb 1:41pm

The Pisten Bully was well used today. It took a very icy top layer and mixed it with newold snow and has created an exceptional skiing experience. Just imagine what a new machine could do! Have fun folks.

Tue 7 Feb 1:39pm

The Sawmill Nordic Centre was groomed this morning. Water skiing today should be great. just kidding. Trail in great shape. Going skiing now. Later, Fred Scheel

Mon 6 Feb 7:27am

After yesterdays winds, I’ll reset the tracks in the fields at Colpoys. Tracks on the rest of the trails will still be in good shape.