by Andrew Howlett | Jan 6, 2018 | Sawmill
Trail has been groomed as you read this. Track and skate-set for your Polar Vortex ski. Enjoy, later, Fred
by Andrew Howlett | Jan 6, 2018 | Colpoys
Well that was a nippy one! Trails are trackset and ready for action. Make a groomer happy, go for a ski! -Martin
by Andrew Howlett | Jan 6, 2018 | Colpoys
Trail is being groomed this morning.
by Andrew Howlett | Jan 5, 2018 | Colpoys
It’s a cold cold day ! I’ll be going out around 10 o’clock this morning to reset the tracks in the field, and the woods will still have good tracks as well. Bundle up! -Martin 25 skiable days so far this season
by Andrew Howlett | Jan 4, 2018 | Sawmill
We had a good 8 cm of new snow since yesterday. We skate and track-set this new snow this morning by 10 am. Should be a great day for your skiing pleasure. Enjoy, Fred